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Lady Death Monthly The Covenant # 12 (1999) Misprinted '98 nm Chaos!Lady Death Monthly The Covenant # 12 (1999) Misprinted '98 nm Chaos! $11.99 Sir Edward Grey Witchfinder Lost and Gone Forever #1-5 Complete Series DarkHorseSir Edward Grey Witchfinder Lost and Gone Forever #1-5 Complete Series DarkHorse $14.95
Dark Horse Presents #35, Nm, Predator, 1989, Sci-Fi, horror, more in storeDark Horse Presents #35, Nm, Predator, 1989, Sci-Fi, horror, more in store $11.39 Scary Tales #30 - Comic - 1982 Charlton ComicsScary Tales #30 - Comic - 1982 Charlton Comics $9.99
Sir Edward Grey Witchfinder: In The Service Of Angels #1-5 Complete Set HellboySir Edward Grey Witchfinder: In The Service Of Angels #1-5 Complete Set Hellboy $15.00 Psycho 10 Suicide Werewolf CoverPsycho 10 Suicide Werewolf Cover $24.00
Nights Children ForePlay Wendy Snow Lang Comic Book/Poster Horror Vintage RareNights Children ForePlay Wendy Snow Lang Comic Book/Poster Horror Vintage Rare $12.99 Grimm Tales of Terror #1 Cover D Zenescope 2014Grimm Tales of Terror #1 Cover D Zenescope 2014 $14.99
Hellblazer Vol 1 No 5 May 1988 (Vfn+) Dc Comics, Modern Age (1980-Now)Hellblazer Vol 1 No 5 May 1988 (Vfn+) Dc Comics, Modern Age (1980-Now) $12.94 Dark Horse Presents #36, Vf/Nm, Aliens vs Predator, 1989, more in storeDark Horse Presents #36, Vf/Nm, Aliens vs Predator, 1989, more in store $23.74
Mars Attacks #4, Nm, Ufo, Aliens, Horror, Nebres, 1995, more Ma in storeMars Attacks #4, Nm, Ufo, Aliens, Horror, Nebres, 1995, more Ma in store $7.99 Dark Horse Presents #34, Nm, Aliens,1989, Sci-Fi, Horror, more in storeDark Horse Presents #34, Nm, Aliens,1989, Sci-Fi, Horror, more in store $18.99
New ListingHunter-Killer #1 Scriptbook Cgc 9.6 Signed 2X Silvestri & Waid Top Cow ImageNew ListingHunter-Killer #1 Scriptbook Cgc 9.6 Signed 2X Silvestri & Waid Top Cow Image $10.00 Psycho 15 Special All Ghoul Horror IssuePsycho 15 Special All Ghoul Horror Issue $33.00
Dark Horse Presents #36, Vf/Nm, Aliens vs Predator,1989, Horror, more in storeDark Horse Presents #36, Vf/Nm, Aliens vs Predator,1989, Horror, more in store $18.99 Anne Rice's The Mummy or Ramses the Dead #12 Never ReadedAnne Rice's The Mummy or Ramses the Dead #12 Never Readed $3.00
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Mars Attacks Red Sonja #1 E, Nm-, Kitson Aliens, Horror, 2020 more Ma in storeMars Attacks Red Sonja #1 E, Nm-, Kitson Aliens, Horror, 2020 more Ma in store $9.49 Dark Horse Presents #36 1st App Appearance Aliens vs Predator in Comics 1989Dark Horse Presents #36 1st App Appearance Aliens vs Predator in Comics 1989 $26.99
Ravage #1, Nm-, Tim Tyler, Fathom Press, 1992, more indies in storeRavage #1, Nm-, Tim Tyler, Fathom Press, 1992, more indies in store $9.99 Once Upon A Time At The End Of The World #1 Giang 616 Virgin Variant B NmOnce Upon A Time At The End Of The World #1 Giang 616 Virgin Variant B Nm $8.50
Doctor Who #1 Convention Variant Titian Comics San Diego Comic Con Sdcc 2016Doctor Who #1 Convention Variant Titian Comics San Diego Comic Con Sdcc 2016 $29.99 Dark Horse Presents #42, Nm-, Aliens, Horror, 1986 1990 more Dhp in storeDark Horse Presents #42, Nm-, Aliens, Horror, 1986 1990 more Dhp in store $9.49
Sir Edward Grey Witchfinder: Lost And Gone Forever 1-5 Complete Set MignolaSir Edward Grey Witchfinder: Lost And Gone Forever 1-5 Complete Set Mignola $18.74 Grimm Fairy Tales Wonderland 2009 Annual House of Liddle A & B CoversGrimm Fairy Tales Wonderland 2009 Annual House of Liddle A & B Covers $25.00
Mars Attacks #2, Nm, Ufo, Aliens, Horror, Patelis, 1995, more Ma in storeMars Attacks #2, Nm, Ufo, Aliens, Horror, Patelis, 1995, more Ma in store $14.99 Mars Attacks Red Sonja #2 B, Nm-, Suydam Aliens, Horror, 2020 more Ma in storeMars Attacks Red Sonja #2 B, Nm-, Suydam Aliens, Horror, 2020 more Ma in store $8.99
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Hunter-Killer #0 Cbcs 9.2 Ss Signed 2X Silvestri & Waid Top Cow Image ComicsHunter-Killer #0 Cbcs 9.2 Ss Signed 2X Silvestri & Waid Top Cow Image Comics $150.00 Anne Rice's The Mummy or Ramses the Dead #12 comic bookAnne Rice's The Mummy or Ramses the Dead #12 comic book $1.99
Anne Rice's Servant Of The Bones #2 comic bookAnne Rice's Servant Of The Bones #2 comic book $1.49 Mars Attacks Red Sonja #3 B, Nm-, Strati Aliens, Horror, 2020 more Ma in storeMars Attacks Red Sonja #3 B, Nm-, Strati Aliens, Horror, 2020 more Ma in store $8.54
Mars Attacks #3, Nm, Ufo,Aliens, Horror, Man Eaters, 1995, more Ma in storeMars Attacks #3, Nm, Ufo,Aliens, Horror, Man Eaters, 1995, more Ma in store $6.64 Lucifer No 41 Oct 2003 (Nm) Vertigo, Modern Age (1980 - Now)Lucifer No 41 Oct 2003 (Nm) Vertigo, Modern Age (1980 - Now) $5.56
Mars Attacks #1, Vf/Nm, Ufo, Aliens, Horror, Ken Steacy, 1995, more Ma in storeMars Attacks #1, Vf/Nm, Ufo, Aliens, Horror, Ken Steacy, 1995, more Ma in store $8.99 Nights Children Ripper #1,2 + Hex of the Wicked Witch 0+1 Deluxe Asylum (4)Nights Children Ripper #1,2 + Hex of the Wicked Witch 0+1 Deluxe Asylum (4) $12.94
Demon Mini Series No 1 Jan 1987 (Fn+) Matt Wagner art, Modern Age (1980 - Now)Demon Mini Series No 1 Jan 1987 (Fn+) Matt Wagner art, Modern Age (1980 - Now) $5.81 Terminator : All My Futures Past #1, Nm+, Dixon, Diego, more Sci-Fi in storeTerminator : All My Futures Past #1, Nm+, Dixon, Diego, more Sci-Fi in store $5.99
Grimm Fairy Tales Wonderland 2009 Annual House of Liddle A & B CoversGrimm Fairy Tales Wonderland 2009 Annual House of Liddle A & B Covers $20.00 Chaos Comics The Haunted 1 Nm-/M 2001Chaos Comics The Haunted 1 Nm-/M 2001 $6.35
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Nightmare 8 Tunnels Of Horror CoverNightmare 8 Tunnels Of Horror Cover $40.00 Dark Horse Presents #35, Vf, Predator, 1989, Sci-Fi, Horror, Combine ShippingDark Horse Presents #35, Vf, Predator, 1989, Sci-Fi, Horror, Combine Shipping $5.25
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Prices current as of last update, 03/28/25 1:53pm.

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